the series by J. GRACE PENNINGTON

Welcome to the New Firmament Series Website!

It’s been a long journey.

For those who don’t know, this website (along with all my family’s other websites) were hacked last November, and all data was lost. Everything. Many years and much money’s worth of work. Gone.

Some of us were able to recover some data. Some weren’t. For me, one website was completely gone, and the other was completely non-functional. This one, my beautiful series website, was the former.

For nine months, I had nowhere to put information about the Firmament book books. Then finally, I was able to get together with my designer, make a deal, and save the money for a new, updated design. I even set up a fundraiser for help with the payments, which many people so graciously contributed to.

At last, just in time for the release of the fifth book, Firmament: Gestern, it is here! I’m so excited to share the result with all of you.

So have a look around. Read prologues. Learn about the characters. See fan art. Learn which character you are. I hope you enjoy yourself and go away excited about this world and the people who inhabit it!