Let Them Eat Cake

The relationship between the writer of a series and its reader is a complicated one. I always knew this, even before I began writing or publishing Firmament. I always had very little respect for series creators who knew how the larger story needed to go, but chickened out due to public pressure and caved to the whims of their fans. Read More ›

“It was the eyes that hurt him…”

Just in time for the launch of Firmament: Gestern, I have the book’s prologue up! What do I mean by prologue, you ask? Well, it’s a funny story… Read More ›

Welcome to the New Firmament Series Website!

It’s been a long journey.

For those who don’t know, this website (along with all my family’s other websites) were hacked last November, and all data was lost. Everything. Many years and much money’s worth of work. Gone. Read More ›

“He’d Always Been an Environmental Writer…”

Who is “he”? Well, “he” is Harry, the subject of the Fimament prologues and epilogues.

“But wait,” you say, “I’ve read the two existing Firmament books, and there were no prologues before the beginning of the story.”

That’s true. But that’s because the prologues and epilogues aren’t in the books. Read More ›

Two are Better Than One

The proof of In His Image arrived safe and sound! I compared it to Radialloy and they look just gorgeous together! Read More ›